The Raintree Dhaka - Traveling BD

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Discover why so many travelers see The Raintree Dhaka as the ideal hotel when visiting Dhaka City. In addition to providing the ideal combination of quality, comfort and location, it offers a wide variety of services designed for travelers like you.

Free Wi-Fi is offered to guests, and rooms at The Raintree Dhaka include air conditioning.

During your stay, take advantage of some of the services offered, such as room service. Guests at The Raintree Dhaka also have a pool and breakfast included on site. For travelers with a car there is free parking available.

While staying at The Raintree Dhaka, guests can visit Hatirjheel (4.2 km) and Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery (4.6 km), some of the top attractions in Dhaka City.

While you’re here, be sure to check out Mediterranean restaurants like Favola, Olea, and Istanbul Restaurant & Convention Center, which are located near The Raintree Dhaka.

If you’re looking for something to do, Gulshan Lake Park (0.7 km) and Chawkbazar Shahi Mosque (0.9 km) are great ways to pass the time and can be reached on foot from The Raintree Dhaka.

We are confident that you will enjoy your stay at The Raintree Dhaka as you discover all that Dhaka City has to offer.



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